Menu System with Hyperlinks

By   HerbWalters  on November 16, 2003 : Uploaded files: 1

I know we all are in a very competitive market and like to keep our development secrets a secret. So to those of us who don't mind sharing our enhancements to our 20 year old packages this would be a good forum to share your Comet 2002, 2003, & 2004 enhancements. I did this with the hyperlinks I made to my menu's and posted the menu's at my web site and would be glad to share the source code with any Comet developer ( I have since removed the underlines ). We are a group of small companies ( at least most of us ) that don't compete for the same business and I feel a team effort of sharing idea's and code would only enhance our products and help sell more Comet systems for ourselves and Signature. Signature is giving us the tools but if we don't put them to GOOD use in our software we're just sitting here waiting for our customers to go away and eventually we'll be sitting here with 20year old packages with no customers.

The link to my web site is "". Click on the link to "download demo".

Attached is the source code for my accounts receivable menu. There are six different menu style's the user may select from. You can download the demo from my web site and play with the menu's and make changes. Or you can remove all of the security and "commons" code from the source and play with it standalone.

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